Friday, June 28, 2013

MYSTICAL SOUNDS - Universal Sound Current

Universal Sound Current 
by Darren Curtis of Sacred Resonance

Join for ASTRO-HARMONICS at Adelaide Planetarium, July 27

There exists in the inner and outer universes according to the mystical teachings of the west and east a universal sound current that pervades all creation.  Eastern mystics and Western priest-scientists understood the relationship of sound (nada) also as the cosmic celestial choir of the seen in the Kabbalah as the Kodoish Hymn or in Latin the Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus- (Holy, Holy, Holy) also found within the temples of the east expressed differently as the mystical sound of creation – the background vibration and first sound that pervades all creation. This is currently been found within resonating star systems emitting key frequency patterns inaudible and audible
There is to be a interplay within all universal systems a underlying sound current of fundamental frequencies, it is these sound frequencies that connect from the astrophysical i.e. star sounds to the biophysical i.e. DNA base sequences, even to ancient temples there is a series of fundamental frequency ranges that work with nature and supernature in harmonic resonance to effect living systems in a beneficial way.  This is evident in the stars:
Astrophysicist Don Kurtz says:
"The stars have sounds in them...they ring like giant bells or musical instruments… "asteroseismologists" - people who study star sounds - collect data given off by stars and convert it back into sounds. The Greek mathematician Pythagoras in the 6th Century BC. suggested the idea of 'the music of the spheres' and now we can hear it... [1] (c) AYA
Vibration is all around us, sound is all around us and through artists and scientists this new science is currently been evaluated taking us one step closer to understanding that we are a symphony of creation. Even now we are finding that sound waves may be a key in astrophysics especially from the Perseus region:
“The Perseus sound waves are much more than just an interesting form of blackhole acoustics. “These sound waves may be the key in figuring out how galaxy clusters, the largest structures in the Universe, grow.”[2]
We are to understand in the new physics there is another 80 octaves either side of this spectrum with which we can subconsciously connect with, even though inaudible they are a vibration of combined interpenetrating primary cosmic radiations of higher, middle and lower resonance, akin to the three gunas in Sanskrit tradition.
The universe and our bodies are vibration - everything is vibration - therefore everything emits frequency which can be seen as sound either audible or inaudible, researchers are now interested in how certain sounds can entrain the body and mind into altered sates of consciousness, through this new science we can create a positive change in the psychology & physiology for healing and consciousness raising.
Then by using some of these low frequencies i.e beat frequencies operating around the brain wave bandwidth fused with supersonics our mind can tune into different realities and experience whole multi-body shifts.
We can understand these vibrations expressed throughout all traditions in their sacred texts and practice like the  - OM in Sanskrit and AUM (or AM) or even in the Old Hebrew-Semitic language prayers like Abba or Amen. The AUM or OM even in its usage as a vibration of particular qualities reach back to ancient Egypt. In many of the names of the gods were prefaced by Amon.  Just like the Amen, meaning, "so be it", is of Hebrew origin. AUM" is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is said to be "Adi Anadi", without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists. 

Sri Yantra

The Bhagavad Gita says that Universal Energy, God, is the sound of Om. The Bible states,” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Nada Yogi in the Sanskrit traditions sees the whole macrocosmic and microcosmic world as made up of sound.
"Om is the primordial throb of the universe. It is the sound form of Atma (Consciousness)." 
- Maitri Upanishad[3]
"Nadam" [Sanskrit] can be described as sound current, the stream of life and consciousness, cosmic and supracosmic rhythmical vibration. Also we have inner sounds of the unheard worlds. Sound is energy manifest, all matter is made up of energy, and thus all living things have a sound quality to them.[4]
The world’ great temples, rock arts sites and cavern systems contain key sound patterns and acoustic spectra that relate directly to the star sounds and our biology. Thus our body being also a sort of temple of sound and in geometric proportions in relationship to pi and phi can be reprogrammed by certain sound frequencies.  If we look to ancient Chinese star maps the connections of the “Music of the Spheres” will reveal how the embryo, human body and the greater parent body are connected to the greater resonating star systems. These called axiatonal lines which are described in the “Keys of Enoch ©” as unique sound acoustic frequencies that can connect with the meridian system of the human body down to the microtubule structures of the pyramidal brain cells. Thus if we are to see ourselves as a biotransducer like a crystal radio sender and receiver we can realise how sound can help us heal ourselves when we have the right frequencies and mappings. We are basically tuning forms receiving and transmitting sound and light working within a planetary and ultimately a cosmic grid system.
Sacred Resonance has been incorporating these themes and frequencies into their music check our there music at Sacred Resonance website or CDBaby
© By Darren Curtis 2011-2013
Sacred Resonance


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Astro-Harmonics "Music of the Spheres"

Astro-Harmonics "Music of the Spheres"

Saturday July 27, 7:00-8:15pm

Presentation and performance at 

"The Adelaide Planetarium"  



Through a presentation and performance you will learn that like musical instruments, STARS, through their natural oscillations or vibrations, can be transformed into an audible sound waves.

Join us as we take you on a journey through immersive full dome projection of the cosmos and the musical soundscapes from deep space. Lie back in comfortable chairs and open your senses to the worlds beyond ! 
We like to thank John Stuart Reid from for his support on this project.  
Please note:  This information has been copied from Cymascope related resources so please support them.

Based on the Science of "Asteroseismology" The Science of Star Sounds !!


"Like musical instruments, STARS, through their natural oscillations or vibrations, can be transformed into an audible sound waves.   Astrophysicists detect them through the science of asteroseismology or stellar seismology and then artificially boost the sounds to bring them into human hearing range,  producing ghostly whistling, drumming, humming, or bell sounds, depending on their frequencies or speeds of vibration".

Cymatics at the Smithsonian

 "The atomic processes within the atomic furnace of stars create sounds as a result of the high-energy collisions between atomic particles. These sounds cause the starlight to vary minutely, tiny modulations that can be detected by sensitive instrumentation, then demodulated, recreating the original sounds in the laboratory. Analysis of the star sounds can help asteroseismologists gain a better understanding of the atomic processes with a given star."


Here below we see the process of the CymaScope

The star sound files were fed into a CymaScope, which makes the periodicities in the star sounds visible by imprinting them on the surface of ultra pure water, transcribing the sound periodicitiesÆ’ to periodic wavelets, effectively rendering the sounds visible.


All sounds have structure when manifest on a membrane and by making the structure visible on the surface of water the nature of the geometry can help scientists understand the processes at work within planetary and celestial bodies

Stanford University, in collaboration with the ESA and NASA, are studying the physics of the Sun both deep within its core and in its outer corona and solar wind regions,via the SOHO spacecraft data.

SOHO, which stands for "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory," was built in Europe by a team led by prime contractor Matra Marconi Space under overall management by ESA and was launched on December 2, 1995. The twelve instruments on board were provided by European and American scientists. NASA was responsible for the launch and is now responsible for mission operations. Large radio dishes around the world, which form NASA's Deep Space Network, are used for data downlink and commanding. Mission control is based at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

The Stanford web site carries the full story together with some of the sounds captured by the SOHO spacecraft: 

Music :

We will be using some of OR-ion CD and some other Star Sound Music

Using sounds and frequencies of actual space sounds and ancient chants, fused with binaural beats of sonic patterns ! This is a very deep cosmic meditation CD attuning you to the Cosmos